My wonderful man got me red roses, a tennis bracelet and the movie I wanted, for mother's day. I love him so much.
I know most of the BDSM world does not like the fifty shades trilogy. I happen to be one that does. I know it's not actual facts. But I don't like it cause of the story line. I like the books and the movie for the scenes in them. Not the abuse although it is very similar to how I was introduced to the lifestyle officially. My ex was an abusive controlling bastard. (Excuse my language). So it isn't that far off the truth for a lot of people. I can also differentiate between fiction and non fiction. That is my opinion and I'm ok with others who disagree. We are all allowed our own opinions and the chance to express them.
Oh on a side note yay I finally got some lol ;). Not Kink style but I will take what I can get lol
Thank you all and much love
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